
Monday, January 3, 2011

Earth Changes, 2012 and Eschatology pt. 1

by Jonathan McGregor Bethel

Considering all the earthquakes, volcanic activity, and extreme weather we have been experiencing, it's hard not to have apocalyptic thoughts and speculate that we may be approaching the end of time. It is very telling that many cultures have prophecies and calendars that focus on our current world age. These prophecies predict that our current time will be a period of great strife and transformation; they further predict this chaos will precede the creation of a new form of mankind.

I am endeavoring to present a series of articles delineating earth changes, eschatology, and the year 2012. I will discuss the nuances of our rapidly transforming biosphere, and I will describe the advent of the noosphere, a layer of collective synchronous thought surrounding the planet. I seek to present the facts as they are, how they are related to our current outlook, and what could be on the horizon. However, I also desire to dispel the fear about our approach to this radical shift and describe what it “could” mean for us.

Why is 2012 related to the end of the world? To look at this as the “End” and not the beginning of a new cycle doesn't fit what is really happening. There are several lines of thought that point to the year 2012 as a period of radical transformation and the culmination of human history.

First of all, it is during this year that the Maya 13 baktun long-count calendar has its termination point - December 21, 2012 - the winter solstice. This 13 baktun calendar began on August 12, 3114 B.C., and its duration is 1/5 of a precession, a 26,000 year period. John Major Jenkins discovered that the 2012 end-date coincides with an alignment with the galactic center. Consequently, after 26,000 years we are completing a cycle, and we are realigning with the galactic center; this is the wake-up call for human history.

Secondly, Terence McKenna's “TimeWave Zero”, which is based on the Chinese system of the I-Ching and maps the fluctuation between habit and novelty, is the other belief system which points to this date. The “TimeWave” reaches infinite novelty at the same time as the end-date of the Calendar of the Maya during late 2012. In other words, what it says is the complexity of modern life reaches it zenith on this date, and mankind enters a new phase of being. There are various other intimations and prophecies of 2012, and we will discuss them later in this series.

There is evidence to suggest that 2012 will coincide with what is expected to be a very active year for sunspots. Some predictions even state that the sun is going through a magnetic pole shift, and this pole reversal may be brought about by the extreme solar activity of 2012.

If this were to occur on the sun, it could bring about a devastating situation on the earth, including a pole shift. This pole shift on the earth may be actually occurring whether the sun shifts poles or not. One thing is for certain. The extreme weather we have been witnessing appears to be a direct influence from all the anomalous solar activity, not just the human induced “Global Warming” many are claiming.

In spite of that, it may very well be that the sun is emitting evolution altering energy, torsion-wave energy, and mutating us all into beings capable of operating in a new and higher existence. This is the perspective of several researchers; although, I don't think you will get any reductionist scientists agreeing with that. True or untrue, we should remain open-minded until we find out otherwise. Main stream science would consider this to be preposterous. We shall see; this evidence, including the extreme weather is not bogus and cannot be faked. It appears that we humans veil the unknown and uncertain in ominous imagery out of our own fear. Therefore, because we're in a time of rapid change, a disintegrating biosphere, extreme weather, and an uncertain future, the 2012 end-date takes on threatening and apocalyptic image.

On the other hand, we have others who think they have it all figured out, thinking things will remain the same as always, and that we have nothing to fear. These two perspectives are typical of human beings and get us nowhere. We need to face all of this with open yet discriminating minds, without casting doom on everything we hear and without being so self-assured that we think we have it all figured out. We need to take in the facts as they become apparent and make decisions accordingly.

Whatever the facts are, we need to be creating spiritual ideals and treating the others around us with the kindness we would like to receive, creating a positive morphic thought field and influencing the course of events in a beneficial way. This way, we will be in the best frame of mind to meet any challenges that may arise. If nothing happens, wonderful, we're all better off with our benevolent behavior!

Jonathan McGregor Bethel
Writer, Researcher, Lecturer
Founder, Omega Point Institute


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